St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Front of Building
Lead: Ken P
The front of the building is a formal planting. In 2016 it was decided to replace an overgrown and deteriorating landscape across the front of the building. The goal was to give a fresh new image to the Extension Building as well as to provide ideas for the average homeowner to implement in their own residences. Care was taken in selecting plans which not only gave aesthetic curb appeal to the building, but also plants that featured an assortment of heights and sizes, various textures and colors. Plans which were disease and insect resistant; as well as, easy to trim and maintain. Flowering shrubs, bulbs and seasonal plantings of annuals in an enclosed bed as well as interspersed between evergreens give the landscape a splash of seasonal color. Evergreens give year-round eye appeal when annuals and flowers are no longer blooming
.As a topdressing and ground cover, shredded bark was selected not only for its aesthetic appearance, but also because it allows the plant roots to breather and has hood moisture retention.