St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
Our speakers
Master Gardeners are available to share their knowledge with young and old alike, giving presentations to schools, clubs and organizations in the area.
If you would like to schedule a speaker, please contact us at
Attracting birds to your yard
Bearded irises
Building lasagna beds, a no-dig method for planting
Bulbs and perennials for early spring color
Butterfly gardens and Monarch stopover
Container gardening
Extending the vegetable growing season
Gardening Gone Bad
Growing tomatoes
Habitat gardening: a naturalist's approach to wildlife stewardship
How to start a community garden
Improving soil
Integrated pest management
Lawn care
Mole and large pest control
Native plants in the home landscape
Native trees and shrubs
Organic gardening
Plant propagation
Ponds and waterfalls
Raised bed gardening
Save the pollinators!
Shade gardening
Soils and composting
Starting an herb garden
Starting seeds
Top 10 botanical gardens
Vegetable gardening
Fees support the Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens at the St. Charles County Extension Center. Master Gardeners donate their time.
Presentations are only for within St. Charles County locations.
The speaker fee is $50 for a 45-minute presentation plus approximately 15 minutes for Q & A for a total of 1 hour.