St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
General Meeting Minutes
September 25, 2014
Scott Killpack gave his Horticulture Q & A featuring Soil formation and soil testing
Thanks to meeting hosts Jane Timmons, Yvonne Van de Ahe, and Connie Wamble.
Class completion certificates were presented to 2 new Master Gardeners, Cindy Richardson and Anne Schappe.
Betty Struckoff gave an excellent presentation on Landscaping with Native Shrubs and Trees.
Meeting was called to order at by President Dave Barylski. 43 people were in attendance.
Joe Walker, treasurer, gave the treasurer’s report. Joe is working with the Mary Medina (Plant Sale lead) and garden leads to assure that we have enough in the treasurer to cover the expected costs through the Dig In in February and the Plant Sale in April.
The October meeting will be a Chili Cook off. Mary Carey will host. More info to come.
Mary Carey reported on Steering Committee Nominations. The two nominees for 2015 are Sharon Hedges and Sandy Meyer.
We are in need for a new Demonstration Garden lead because Kevin Minard is retiring.
Scott Killpack announced that there will be an Extension Planning meeting on October 9 at 6:30 p.m. The public is invited. Scott asked that MGs please attend.
Scott reported that the Extension Urban Region (St Louis and Kansa City areas) meet at the extension on Wednesday, September 24. According to Scott, they “drooled” over our gardens.
The growers for the 2015 plant sale met on September 20. They made decisions as to what will be grown for next year and when we need to start. Mary reported that the greenhouse will try using a propagation chamber in the greenhouse to start some seeds. Some will still be started in MGs homes.
Mary and Evelyn Franks attended an Open House at Hummerts. They were able to obtain some lights and heat mats at a reduced price. Potting soil was also bulk ordered which will also save money.
Propagation Bed:
Mary Medina reported that there are over 50 shrubs in the propagation bed that need to be moved in order to build the hoop house in that area. Steve Siebert, Propagation bed lead, has agreed to have the bushed removed in three weeks. If MGs want any of the shrubs, they need to contact Steve so they can be tagged. He also asked that the area of the hoop house be marked ahead of time.
Terri Scherer reported on Missouri Day which will be celebrated at the Historic Garden on Main Street in St Charles on Wednesday, October 15. She asked for MG volunteers to help man the booths.
Rita Zeitz gave a report on the upcoming Master Gardener conference. Over 310 people attended the conference, 12 from St Charles. Our own Yvonne Von der Ahe taught a class.
Val Mertz is taking nominations for the Paul Hendricks award. The award focuses on leadership, service and education. She would like all nominations to be in to her by the October meeting.
Jane Timmons, a member of the Bee Club, talked about a situation they encountered when they used a photo from the internet in a presentation then placed that presentation on their website. They received a bill for using a copyright photo. She urged the MGs to be sure any photos they use on a website are not copyrighted.
There will be a Cover Crop workshop on October 18 at Lincoln University in Jefferson City.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15.
Submitted by Mary Carey