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Demonstration Gardens

Turf Grass Demonstration Area

Turf area:  Located in the center of the garden and spreading to the north and south, this lawn area was established four years ago. 

Renovation of this area required clearing all residual growth, aeration, de-thatching and seeding with five way fescue (cool season cultivars).

Weeds in the turf area are suppressed with corn gluten applications in early April and a repeat in June.  Little to no weed killer is used and mowing the grass to a 3- 1/2 “height is preferred. 

Over seeding will occur every fall with aeration every 2 years. Fall fertilization for our cool season grasses is done with 46-0-0 urea, using one pound per 1,000 square feet of turf.


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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