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Steering Committee Minutes


February 12, 2016



I. Call to order

Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:05 AM on February 12, 2016.

  • In Attendance

Mary Carey, , Joe Walker, Al Winkeler, Sharon Hedges, Laura Steimel, and Emily Crowe-Co-CPD, Darlisa Diltz- Co-CPD.

  • Approval of minutes from last meeting

Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Al Winkeler that the minutes be approved as read.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • Treasury Report 

  • Current bank balance is $8833.24 presented by Joe Walker.  It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Laura Steimel that Treasurer’s Report be accepted. Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • Committee  Reports

  • Monthly Meetings (Val Mertz-lead) she now has speakers for monthly Master Garden Meetings set up through May.

  • Hortline (Patti Kolek) - more to come.

  • Education (Mary Medina) – nothing new to report. Dig In February 27, 2016.

  • Greenhouse (Evelyn Frank-lead) – Every in place to get started. More to come.

  • Demonstration Gardens (Mary Carey-lead) – nothing new to report. Some gardens might need more budget due to flooding.

  • MU Extension PC Report (Emily Crowe and Darlisa Diltz) - Rich Hoormann has agreed to return to St. Charles County to be our Horticulture Specialist Program Coordinator. Also they are using regular exterminator to help get rid of the mice problem.


V. New Business

  • We are signed for a table at the O’Fallon Garden Expo on May 07, 2016. More to follow.

  • Mary Carey made a motion to approve current Garden Leads Budget and Laura Steimel seconded it. Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • It was decided to put aside $1500.00 from Plant Sale Proceed for greenhouse maintenance.

VI. Old Business

  • MOMGA dues were paid for all Master Garden members.

VII. Adjournment

  • It was moved by Mary Carey to adjourn meeting and seconded by Al Winkeler. All approved.

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