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St Charles County Master GArdeners

Steering Meeting Minutes


January 9, 2016



  • Call to order

It was moved by Joe and seconded by Al that the meeting called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00 am on January 9, 2016.  The new steering committee decided on their positions for the year.  Sharon Hedges as new president, Al Winkeler, Vice President, Joe Walker remains as treasurer, Laura Steimel as secretary and Mary Carey serves as demo garden lead.

  • In Attendance

Mary Carey, Mary Medina, Joe Walker, Al Winkler, Sharon Hedges, Laura Steimel, and Emily Crowe, Co-CPD

  • Approval of minutes from last meeting

Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Joe and seconded by Al that the minutes be approved as read.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • Treasury Report 

 Current bank balance is $9313.03 presented by Joe Walker.  It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Al Winkler that treasurers report be accepted.  Vote in affirmative.  Spending requirement discussed for 2016. Plant sale will need about $4000.00 in 2016.  Demonstration gardens request an increase to $10,000.00, their budget due to the current damage from the flood.

  • Committee  Reports

  • Monthly Meetings (Val Mertz-lead) needs to establish speakers and find facilitators. Mary Carey and Laura Steimel will be facilitate January Meeting. Speakers are set up through April.

  • Committee discussed the purchase of Honey bags for speakers at monthly meeting, cost $10 each. Moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Al Winkeler that 10 bags should be purchased for speakers.  Vote was affirmative.

  • Membership (Waneta Parmenter- Lead) Reviewed volunteer hour report. Total volunteer hours reported 10,142.8. Members who are now Emeritus are Linda Thompson and Jo Ann Thone.                               

  • Greenhouse (Evelyn Frank-lead) Evelyn will be presenting 3 different proposals for replacement of greenhouse covering in 2016.

  • Demonstration Gardens (Mary Carey-lead). Mary will schedule meeting in March with leads. Plans will be presented later for rose garden and front of building.

  • Hortline (Patti Kolek-Lead) Patti has been handling the few calls herself. Will need volunteers to cover office starting in March.



VI. New Business

  • Paul will be setting up class for grape pruning in March

  • We will have 3 Lawn Chair Tuesdays.

  • Dig In (Mary Medina-Lead) Brochures will be ready to hand out shortly.  Can see on St. Charles County Extension website the classes and sign up information. Date February 27, 2016.

  • Great Back Yard Bird Count event on February 13, 2016. Volunteers needed.

  • A motion was made to pay MOMGA Dues ($2 per member) for $210.00. Moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker.  Approved by all.

  • Master Gardeners will be participating in several farmer markets in St. Charles area. More information to come. Will need volunteers.

  • Horticulture Specialist Job still open.


  • Adjournment

It was moved by Joe and seconded by Al that the meeting adjourn. Approved by all.

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