St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
Master Gardeners Meeting
May 26, 2016
Call to Order
Meeting was called to order by President Sharon Hedges.
Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting. Mary Carey motioned to approved minutes, seconded my Al Winkeler. Minutes approve by all.
Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker reported balance in our account as of April 30, 2016. Plant sale is not showing yet.
MU Extension Report – Rich Hoorman gave an update of what going on with Hortline. Our new and improved forms for publics questions. Also advised of the Hortline Cheat Sheets being made to help the Hortline people answer questions better. We have 17 days out of 20 covered for June for Hortline. Advised he appreciates the help.
Committee Reports
Meetings- Val Mertz was not present. Next month speaker in on Irrigations.
Membership- Waneta Parmenter advised nothing new to handout.
Hortline- Patti Kolek passed around signup sheet for both St Charles City and Lake St Louis Farmers Markets on Saturdays. If interested please contact Patti.
Education- Mary Medina- Mary thanks everyone for their hard work on plant sale.
We have lots of pots that need cleaning. Come help any time.
Lawn Chair Tuesday June 14, 2016. Everything set up for presentations. Need people to help with tours around the ground. Every one welcome, bring your Lawn chair, dinner and bug spray and enjoy the evening.
Jefferson City Master Gardeners are coming to tour and garden and have lunch on June 18, 2016. Time is 10-2 on Saturday. Need people to help with tours. Contact Mary Medina is you like to attend.
Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey- Rabo AgriFinance Company employees donated their time to help us in the gardens. The company also donated $350 to the St Charles County Master Gardeners. The help and donation greatly appreciated.
Note: Rebekah Davis has finished her Bird Garden in back of building. Dave Barylski made a table and two benched to enjoy view. Be sure to go back and enjoy.
Work Day planned June 11, 2016 at 9 AM. Please come help with cleaning up Native Garden paths and trimming bush and overgrowth by road so sign can be seen.
Rich Hoorman will be offering a training class on mixing pesticides. More to come.
We will also be purchasing a leak proof cabinet to put is shed to hold all our insecticides and pesticides.
Meeting Facilitators- we have host and hostess signed up for the rest of the year. Thanks for volunteering.
New Business and Old Business
David Wilson announced that he will no longer be Pantry Garden Lead after December 1, 2016,
Looking for ideas for possible road trips for Master Gardeners. Have ideas for next meeting.
Also note we will not be taking old pesticides to Montgomery City. Do not bring anything to extension. We are working on this for 2017.
Sharon Hedges adjourned meeting.
Note: 42 Members in attendance.