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Steering Committee Minutes                                          Date:  November 11, 2016                                              


  •         Call to order

Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00 AM on November

  •  Attendance

In attendance Sharon Hedges, Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Mary Carey, and Rich Hoormann.

Secretary’s Report

Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker that the minutes be approved as read.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • Treasury Report 

Current bank balance is (see treasurer for results) presented by Joe Walker. Note that (see treasurer for amount) of that amount is set aside for greenhouse. For the month we spent(see treasurer for amount). We paid $500 toward ice machine and redoing foundation in the front. Treasury Report was accepted as presented.


  • MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoorman

Rich apologized for not getting his stuff out of green house and appreciates those who moved it for him. He also appreciated everyone who did paper survey.

We will need a plan for 2017 for Extension Council.

We will working on MG on line web site for Demo garden. Barb Cox and Mary Carey are working on this with Rich. Once establish will keep Hard copy in binder in shed for quick review.

Reviewed results of survey.Discussed what we wanted Rich role to be with Master Gardeners. It was stated that we wanting Rich to help establish public education through Master Gardeners program. All fees associated with this would go back to support the extension. .


  • Committee Reports

  • Speakers – Val Mertz. Working on Paul Hendricks and will contact Al Winkeler to get new plaque. It was suggested to get bigger and move all to one plaque. More to come on this.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek. The extension supplied new laptop and printer for Hortline. Calling in to check voice mails and checking emails off site.       

  • Education- Mary Medina.  Nothing new to report at this time. Mary Carey reported from MOMGA meeting. They will be setting up a $1000 scholarship for Plant Science majors attending MU there junior year.  A reminder that Master Gardeners if working with children with no other adults need to get background check. It’s free. There are currently 43 people doing the Master Gardener online training.  The 2017 Conference will be held one day only on a Saturday at MU campus for advance training. More to come on this.

  • Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey. Garden shut down for year. Patty bought a lot of daffodils for $50. Laura Steimel motioned to reimburse Patty $50, it was seconded by Al Winkeler. Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • Greenhouse –Evelyn Franks. She is waiting on bids to replace fans in green house. Will replace this winter.

  • Old Business/New Business

  • Al Winkeler brought in display and cost for plaque for past presidents. Joe Walker motions to approve $50 for plaque for past and current presidents in the amount of $50.00. It was seconded by Laura Steimel.  Vote was unanimous in favor. 

  • Issue on travel hours is still being reviewed by Rich Hoorman.

  • We had a request from AMVETS Ladies Auxiliary requesting our assistance on how to set up their planned Victory Gardens for Hero’s.  They need to be handicap accessible and information on water source. A meeting was set up with them to review on November 16, 2016 at the AMVETS.

  • Christmas party will be on December 2, 2016.  Set up for party will be at 10:00 am. Invitations being handled by Sharon Hedges Will be doing paper and diaper drive and Silent Auction. RSVP by November 25, 2016.

  • Adjournment

It was moved by Joe Walker to adjourn meeting and seconded Al Winkeler. All approved.

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