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Master Gardeners Meeting


October 27, 2016




Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by President Sharon Hedges.

Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting. Mary Carey motioned to approved minutes, seconded by Patti Kolek. Minutes approved by all.

Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker advised we currently have a balance(see treasurer for amount). We have (see treasurer for amount) set aside for Greenhouse maintenance.  Laura Steimel motioned to approve as reported. It was seconded by Mary Carey. Approved by all.

Committee Reports

  • Meetings- Val Mertz –Last meeting. We are done with speakers for the year.

  • Membership- Waneta Parmenter –Reminding everyone they need to get there hours entered.  You have to have 5 hours in Demo garden for the year.  

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek – Group still working voice mail for hortline from home. Looking for volunteers for next year. Looking to increase our presents at farmers market for 2017.

  • Education- Mary Medina-Reminder to everyone that Dave was going to show how to sharpen and clean tools for winter on Saturday. Garden clean up and planting garlic on Saturday as well. It was noted that Conference for next year would be a one day event put on leadership group on campus in Columbia, MO.  More to come on this. Meeting November 9, 2016 to set up growing plants at home

  • Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey- Saturday in work day to clean up garden. We are looking for help for Lasagna garden and Native plants

  • Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks – nothing new to report.


New Business and Old Business

  • Al Winkeler still needing information what you did this year from all garden leads if you have not done so. Needs information this month. You can email him at

  • We only had 2 for steering committee elections. We only had 2 spots open. So both Joe Walker and Craig Morton are automatically elected to steering committee positions. Congratulations.

  • No General Meeting for November. Happy Thanksgiving.

  • Holiday Party will be December 2, 2016. More to come on this.

Sharon Hedges adjourned meeting.


Note: 50 Members in attendance.


President                                Joe Walker

Vice - President                     Laura Steimel

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Catherine Ebone  

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale                               Marsha Brown

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

                                                  Waneta Parmenter

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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