St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Steering Committee Minutes
Date: October 14, 2016
Call to order
Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00 AM on October 14, 2016.
In attendance Sharon Hedges, Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Mary Carey, and Rich Hoormann.
Secretary’s Report
Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Joe Walker and seconded by Al Winkeler that the minutes be approved as read. Vote was unanimous in favor.
Treasury Report
Current bank balance is $13749.46 presented by Joe Walker. Note that $3000.00 of that amount is set aside for greenhouse. Treasury Report was accepted as presented.
MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoormann
Rick stated that he and Del would be installing drip irrigation and will hold class on how to install and how it works. More information on this to come.
Rich took information he gathered at last Master Gardeners Meeting and put into a binder by garden to be maintained yearly on what being done in gardens. Page for projects and how many people needed. Page for sign up. He will need leads help in recording what going in each garden for the year. This information will also be used to report to the council.
He also states he would like to set up weekly classed next year for public and or just for MG members.
He will be setting up classes starting next spring for Advance Training for Master Gardeners. We will be able to sign up for classes we would like to take. There will be a cost involved. More to come on this.
He reported that he had luncheon for Hortline Group and was glad that they volunteered to maintain voice mail and email throughout winter months. He was grateful for everyone help on the Hortline.
He thanked Joe Walker for showing up to help him Monday for the extension class.
Vice President- Al Winkler- He his needing help to get information from leads on their Gardens for his report. Mary Carey and Rich Hoormann will be working on this at the Leads Meeting,
AL is suggesting that we put a box to put birth month on sign in sheet for monthly meeting to tell members Happy Birthday. Also working on way to acknowledge people who help out with the extension projects and grounds. More to come on this.
He will get actual cost on Plaques for both Paul Hendricks and Presidents to present at next meeting approval.
Committee Reports
Speakers – Val Mertz. Working on Paul Hendricks nominations.
Hortline- Patti Kolek. Calling in to check voice mails and checking emails off site.
Education- Mary Medina. Ordered 800 plugs for 2017 plant sale. Also set the following dates for 2017: March 18 9 - noon - Cool season vegetable sale - we'll be in the greenhouse, but would appreciate parking privileges and bathroom access.April 27 - MG evening meetingApril 28 - all day for set up in C room (and grounds)April 29 - Both rooms needed Plant sale 8 - 2pmMay 6 follow up plant sale - no rooms needed, just parking access.
Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey. Scheduled leads meeting and will be reviewing with them money left over to use for cost to redo entry beds on building.
Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks. Nothing new to report at this time.
Old Business/New Business
Mary Carey brought in garden planting guide she got at conference. Proposed we buy some for promotional purpose with our brand and Hortline number on it. Mary Carey motioned we spend $500.00 for the planting guides and Al Winkeler seconded. . Vote was unanimous in favor.
We received a letter for St. Charles County Extension Council thanking us for our assistance with purchasing the new ice machine.
We had questions on mid-year new members on how there hours are counted. Also questions on reasonable travel time for volunteers. Rich Hoormann will be checking and addressing at next Master Gardeners Monthly Meeting. Basically new member have 6 months from date of last class to get there hours in to receive badge. Also we allow 15 minutes travel time to and from for volunteering.
It was moved by Joe Walker to adjourn meeting and seconded by Laura Steimel. All approved