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Steering Committee Minutes


                                                                           Date:  September 9, 2016


        Call to order



Sharon Hedges called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00 AM on September 9, 2016.

  •  Attendance

In attendance Sharon Hedges, Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Laura Steimel, Mary Carey, and Rich Hoormann.

Secretary’s Report

Laura Steimel read the minutes from the last meeting. It was moved by Joe Walker and seconded by Mary Carey that the minutes be approved as read.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

  • Treasury Report 

Current bank balance (See treasurer for amount) presented by Joe Walker. Note that some of that amount is set aside for greenhouse. Treasury Report was accepted as presented.


  • MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoormann- He suggested to get more people interested in volunteering to present on board like a job fair and also use this for new class as well. He also advised that he would take responsibility of 4 more beds if that would help with Pantry Garden issue.


  • Committee Reports

  • Speakers – Val Mertz. Nothing new to report at this time.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek. Nothing new to report at this time.      

  • Education- Mary Medina.  Nothing new to report at this time.

  • Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey. Work Day this Saturday, September 10, for redoing beds out front of extension office. We have lots of weeding that needs to be done. Discussed getting volunteers. Thinking of having signups for help. More directions on what’s needed in all the gardens. David Wilson will be taking over the Gardening By The Square Foot next year.

  • Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks. Nothing new to report at this time.

  • Old Business/New Business

  • Vice President Al Winkeler requested we put in Monday Email to remind all leads and any member to email him what they did or are going to do this year for Master Gardeners year-end report.

  • Al also suggested to get more volunteers for Hortline is maybe to have them come in and work with current volunteers to see what it actually is. Possibly having people sign up.

  • Al discussed we might want to look at nursing homes for presentations that would follow in our educating the community and well as entertaining for them.

  • Suggestion made to find a speaker on the subject of houseplants.

  • Al suggested we get a plaque to list Master Gardeners Presidents going back. He will be getting cost on this.

  • Ice machine has been bought, installed, and is working. Note made to pay our contribution.

  • Discussion about possibly moving the bees. Rich Hoormann will handle.

  • Mary Carey and Laura Steimel will be on nomination committee for Steering Committee Member needed. Please let us know if you want to be a part of the steering committee.

  • Email your nominations for the Paul Hendricks Award to Val Mertz. Also noted we will be needing a new plaque. Only one spot left on it.


  • Adjournment  

It was moved by Mary Carey to adjourn meeting and seconded by Laura Steimel. All approved

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