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Master Gardeners Meeting


February 23, 2017



Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by President Al Winkeler.

Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting. Mary Carey made a motion that we approve minutes as read, was seconded by Sharon Hedges.  Vote was unanimous in favor.

Treasurer’s Report- Joe Walker advised we currently have a balance in account of (see treasurer for amount).

Coordinator’s Rich Hoormann not in attendance.

Committee Reports

  • Meetings- Val Mertz –Has speakers set up for the remainder of the year. March is going to be Joshua Higgins on Orchids. He will have gifts for the Master Gardeners and have some orchids for sale.

  • Membership- Waneta Parmenter –not present. Al Winkeler gave out badge to member Jan Carron, who completed required hours. Also awarded Advanced Gardner Badge to Bonnie Winkeler. Congratulations to both.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek –Not present. Bonnie Winkeler spoke on her behalf and advised we are still working line from home. Will be back in office sometime in March. Need volunteers. Contact Patti if interested. .

  • Education- Mary Medina- Will be working on setting up for Farmers Market in both St. Charles and Lake St. Louis. Will do both once a month. Will have demonstrations to do at them focused on educating the public.  More to come on this.  There will be a Master Gardener Conference in Columbia on June 15 and 16. More information to come.   Mary thank the crew of the Great Backyard Bird Count on their hard work. It was fun for all. Cool Weather Plant Sale March 18. List will be available on line.

  • Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey. We need a new lead for the garden around the entrance sign. If interested contact Mary Carey. We will be having a lead meeting in a couple of weeks. Date to be determined. Watch for email.

  • Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks – Thank you to all volunteers who turned out for orientation. Daytime watering in greenhouse to start up in March. Date to be determined.


New Business

  • We have facilitators for meetings for remainder of year.

  • Vice President Craig Morton advised we will be having three of our monthly meetings at St. Charles County Parks. May 25, 2017 will be at Broemmelsiek Park, July 27, 2017 at Heritage Park, and August 24, 2017 at Towne Park. Times to be determined. More later on this.

Old Business

  • Back Yard Bird Count Critique- Member Rebekah Davis, Dee Burkemper, and Donna Lindsay got up and thank everyone for their help. They ask for comments. Donnas Bird slide show with song was very well liked. It was noted that we might need to present more on how to do bird count, where to go etc. Maybe move children activities to another room. Overall event was great.


  • Mary Carey motioned to adjourn meeting, Donna Lindsey seconded. Vote was unanimous in favor.

NOTE: 61 members in attendance



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