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Steering Committee Minutes

                                                                           Date:  September 8, 2017



Call to order

  • Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:00AM on September 8, 2017.


  • People in attendance were Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Craig Morton, Laura Steimel, and Rich Hoormann.

Secretary’s Report

  • All members having read the minutes of the August 11, 2017 meeting, it was moved by Joe Walker seconded by Craig Morton that the minutes be approved as submitted.  Vote was unanimous in favor to approve. 

Treasury Report 

  • Current bank account balance $10708.30.  It was moved Laura Steimel and seconded by Craig Morton that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as presented.  Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.                                                          

MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoormann

  • Rich Hoormann and Joe Walker will be working with office staff to update our bookkeeping system in office to MU requirements.  

  • Rich Hoormann is cutting more medallions out of trees for paths in garden. It was stated they will need to sunk to ground level and possible a coated with water sealer.  Will work with path leads on this. More to come on this.

  • Rich Hoormann will need a work crew to help get rid of Johnson grass on property in order to keep front mowed. More to come on this.  

  • Mr. Hoormann advised and FYI that the extended parking lot would be put on hold until they are done with addressing creek issues. They are now working with the Missouri Corp of engineers.

  • Mr. Hoormann will be working on organizing back shed. We will be storing some excess plant sales supplies in there. Mr. Hoormann presented a pergola design he had done by Ken Peine. He suggested he would get funds by match donations. It will be resented and next general meeting. He is trying to use some of the donated pergola lumber as well.

Committee Reports

  • Speakers – Val Mertz. No report. Speakers are set for remainder of year.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek.  Hortline is in office though September.  Will see how busy this month.

  • Membership-Waneta Parmenter.  Nothing new at this time.

  • Demonstrations Gardens- Victoria Gally and Laura Steimel- Advised would be having our next meeting prior to MG monthly meeting October 26, 2017. No more spending in Demonstration Garden without prior approval.

  • Greenhouse –Amy Templer/ Cindy Platzer. Will be scheduling workdays to replace plastic on greenhouse October 6 and 7, 2017. More to come on this.

  • Education-Mary Medina. Dig in. Not present for meeting.


 Old Business

  • 2018 MG Class Lead facilitator will be Mary Carey. We will need class facilitators on a weekly basis. Sign-ups will be at a later meeting. We will have to set up tables and chairs for this class.  Class will be held in Room C, 01/31/2018 through 05/09/2018. Advertisement for class and sign up will start in October.

  • We now have one nomination for scholarship for Mg Class. November ending date. Steering committee will decide who will receive at next meeting.  

  • Still looking for class project for Master Garden Class. Will bring at next Garden Leads Meeting.

New Business

  • Plant Sale- Marsha Brown and Laura Steimel- Hummerts materials have been purchased. They are working list of seeds needed to purchase as well as plugs. We have a growing committee set up and plans are taking place. Steering committee requesting a basic calendar of events. Advised would have at next meeting.

  • New officer elections in October for 2 steering committee members. We will select a committee to find nominees at September MG meeting.

  • Craig Morton will be doing our Yearly report for MG to represent to Extension Council.

  • Christmas Party will December 1. We will have silent auction, paper good collection and or diapers. Laura Steimel volunteered to get meat for dinner. We will do similar invitations as last year. More to come on this.

  • Party for Rich Hoormann leaving at our October 26 MG Meeting. We present with tree to plant in is honor.  Laura Steimel will be getting a cake.



  • A motion was made by Joe Walker and seconded by Craig Morton to adjourn.  All approved.

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