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11 May 2018 Rev. A


Master Gardener Steering Committee Meeting

Attendees:   Craig Morton, Joe Walker, David Prince, Kevin Minard, Laura Steimel

Visitors:   Cindy Platzer, Mary Medina


Call to order:   Craig Morton called the meeting to order.


Secretary’s report:      David Prince called attention to the published 13 April 2018 secretary’s report and asked for review and approval.  Kevin Minard provided changes.  Kevin Minard made a motion for approval of the minutes, with changes.  Laura Steimel seconded the motion.   Minutes were approved with change.


Treasurer’s report:   Joe Walker advised of the plant sale (cool season, plus regular plant sale) money in the bank.   Money for 2019 plant sale expenses was stated.


Demo garden budget allotment is to be revisited by garden leads and budget requirements resubmitted.  


Waneta Parmenter has requested guidance on how to advise gardeners to report their hours. 


  Someone who does roadway cleanup as a volunteer wants to know if that counts.  It does not.


  Review of the MO Master Gardener’s volunteer hour requirement guidelines will be done.  (Outside of our demo gardens weeding does not count.)


Green house shade screen is to be installed Saturday AM.


Joe Walker reported that El-Mel has the Beauregard sweet potato plants in stock.


Hort line:  No report:  volunteers for farmers market are needed.  

Tent for use at Farmer’s market is in shed.    New easy up frame has been bought.



Mary Medina:   Education   Do we want a speaker on GMO’s?   If so it must be science based and not one sided.   No action was taken.

Dig In for 2019 will be 23 Feb.

St Charles Co. Community College plans a Fall class on herbs, seed collection and bulbs. 


Joe Walker is reviewing plans to give a Power Point class and has 23 responses who show interest in the class.  Logistics and class size will be worked out.


By-Law Revisions update review is requested by Friday the 18th of May.


Master Garden shirt orders: 21 have been ordered.


Boys and Girls Club update.   Joe Walker, Lauren Richardson and Donna Lindsey will coordinate volunteers and dates of classes.   Most of last years presenters have agreed to present again.   A total of 13 MGs have signed up as interested in helping out.  

Lauren Richardson will be coordinating a volunteer meeting next week.


Joe Walker made a motion to recognize and approve the St Charles County Master Gardeners to serve as a volunteer resource to the St Charles County Community College request for Fall Gardening Adult Education Speakers, subject to availability of volunteers.  Laura Stiemel seconded the motion.  Motion was approved.


Joe Walker made a motion to approve $200 for annual budget for assist in Farmers Market expense.   Motion was approved.


Cindy Platzer:   A Meet and Greet is scheduled for 6:30 on 30 May for the Fall and Winter Master Gardener classes.    A tour of the gardens will be given, and the Steering Committees presence is requested.    Class members are to RSVP.


Laura Stiemel:   will give a tour to three 4H Club members at 6PM on Monday the 14th.


On June 9th Laura will give a tour to the Gasconade Master Gardener members from 10 to 12 am.


Mark Krebs will straighten and anchor the hand rail at the entrance to the meeting room.    One end of the hand rail has rusted off at the step.


Motion to adjourn was made by Joe Walker and approved by Laura Stiemel.

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