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St Charles County Master Gardener Meeting Minutes


 28 February, 2019


Call to Order:  Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:25 PM.


Val Mertz provided a very interesting talk on the history of agriculture in Missouri, and the St Louis County Farm Bureau.  It covered the development of agriculture in St Louis and St Charles Counties over the past 100 years.  It was an excellent program.


Attendance: 49


Secretary’s Report:  The Secretary’s report for 24 January has been on line and copies were available at the meeting.


Secretary’s report for 24 January was approved as written.


Treasurer’s Report:   Joe Walker provided the end of January 2019 finance report. We need to clear money from the upcoming plant sales in order to cover the allocated budget.


New Business:  Discussions were held about procurement of the software, Constant Contact, for email newsletter publication.  The Steering Committee had previously approved the budget. It had been procured, at a discount, for $204 and was being prepared for use. 

A voice vote to approve the purchase of the software Constant Contact was taken and approved.


Speakers Bureau:  Val Mertz reported that speakers are lined up through August.


Mary Medina  reported on the Dig-In.   The theme was edible land scape, including trees, shrubs and gardening.  The Dig-In cleared about $1,000.  About 110 people attended.  The St Charles County Community College has an Agriculture Department Chairperson now.  There was a lot of positive feedback from the Dig-In about speakers and classes.  Suggestions included having more hands-on classes in next year’s Dig-In.


Cindy Platzer talked about the Demo Gardens and the need to be prepared for flooding. 

Benches are to be put on top of tables.   Cages need to be tied down.

Left over pallets that are in front of the green house were discussed.


Hort-Line has not been active.


Marsha Brown talked about watering plants for the plant sale in the green house.  More plant watering volunteers will be required in April.


Cool Season plant sale will be 16 March, 9 AM till noon.  The following Saturday plant sale depends on how many plants are not sold at the 16 March plant sale.


Plants will not be put in the hoop house until the temperature warms up some.


Plant plugs will be arriving next week and help for transplanting them is requested.  A signup sheet was passed around for help.  Exact date is not known.


Membership:   Kevin presented service awards and hour pins.


Master Garden Level 1 Training class.  There are 23 trainees enrolled in the new class which started on 27 February.


State MG Conference in Columbia on 4th and 5th of June per MOMGA


Extension Council dinner is 12 April.   Mary Carey asked for volunteers to help create flower center pieces for the six tables.


Joe Walker:  Boys and Girls club of O’Fallon will be looking for help with classes.  It was 31 May through 2 August last year.   This year’s dates are unknown.   The Boys and Girls club of St Charles may also ask for our help.


Val Mertz  announced that on  March 28 at 4 PM there will be a dry run for teleconference session about Arctic Apples for our June meeting.   Arctic Apples are a new hybrid apple that does not brown when left sliced.


Lake St Louis Farmer’s Market:  See newsletter for information on the manning of a table at the Farmer’s Market at Lake Saint Louis one Saturday a month this summer, representing the Master Gardener’s Club.  Mary Medina is the coordinator.


Mary Carey announced that an archaeological study of the Dardenne Creek bed is now going to be done.  The St Charles County Extension’s share of the cost is $1,700.


 A motion was made to adjourn the meeting and meeting was adjourned at 8:32 PM.


Respectively submitted,                                          David Prince


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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