St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardener Meeting Minutes
25 July 2019
Call to Order: President Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:30 pm at Thies Farm and Greenhouses, 4215 Hanley Rd.
Attendance: 45
Speaker: David Thies, 3rd generation owner of the farm, provided a comprehensive and informative tour of their ten acre farm. The tour was from 6:30 PM until 8:00 PM. The tour was arranged by Val Mertz.
Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s report for 27 June was approved.
Treasurer’s Report: The financial report for 25 July was provided. It showed the net monthly change from June . It showed the end of June cash in bank.
Committee Reports:
Membership: Waneta Parmenter and Bonnie Winkeler: Kevin awarded new membership badges to Rhonda Blankenship, Mary Leigh Merrill, Tiffany Minx and Cathy Holloway.
Horticulturalist: Justin Keay: No inputs.
Speaker’s Bureau: Valerie Mertz: August meeting will be at St Charles County Klondike Park.
Education: Mary Medina: No inputs.
Demo Gardens: Victoria Gally and Cindy Platzer: Tiffany Minx and Laura Steimel will work on social media for the MG group.
Cindy Platzer announced that there will be a fun class on August 10th at 10 AM at the extension center. The class is on mourning practices and superstitions and will be taught by Michaela (Micha) Kornblum.
Hortline: Patti Kolek: Patti has received a call from Hawthorne Elementary School asking for help to re-start a neglected garden spot. Patti needs a volunteer to coordinate MG’s willing to give direction. This volunteer would also serve in the future for callers requesting help.
Kevin announced the “Turf and Ornamental Field Day” to be held at the South Farm at U of MO on July 30th for those interested.
Greenhouse: No inputs
Plant Sale: Laura Steimel and Marsha Brown: No inputs
New Business: This month’s quiz is on The Vertical Axis System: A Training Method for Growing Apple Trees. For additional information, see
Old Business: David Romig took 98 pounds of produce to the food pantry.
Clark Hubbard would like assistance with the perennial beds. If you can help, email Clark to find an agreeable time.
Del thanked Tim Steinman for his help with the compost.
Marsha Brown requests help staining the wood rails and posts of the orchard fence.
A reminder was given about the Forrest Keeling Fall Field Day on Thursday, September 12, 2019 from 8 AM to 4 PM. It will feature speakers, tours and a panel discussion. This event is free, but you need to register on their website.
Good of the Order: Thank you to this month’s facilitators, Mary Medina and Mary Kenley.
Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.
Respectively submitted, David Prince