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St Charles County Master Gardener Meeting Minutes

26 September 2019


Call to Order: President Kevin Minard called the Master Gardener’s meeting to order at 6:27 pm. Attendance: 60


Speaker: John Lewis spoke on growing roses. John Lewis, Master Gardener: John retired after 32 years with Monsanto’s Agriculture Company and has been a Master Gardener since 2010. He teaches horticulture and other subjects at Westminster Christian Academy and Missouri Baptist University. He has been growing his own roses, orchids and perennials for 30 years.


Secretary’s Report: The Secretary’s report for 22 August was approved.


Treasurer’s Report: The financial report for 26 Sept was provided. It showed the net monthly change from August. It showed the end of August cash in bank.


Committee Reports:

Membership: Waneta Parmenter and Bonnie Winkeler: Kevin provided membership badges to Pat Crossen, Craig Varone and Rebecca Poon and emeritus badge to Babs Kehl-Fairchild.


Horticulturalist: Justin Keay: no report.


Speaker’s Bureau: Valerie Mertz: October meeting speaker will be Terry Melln on schrubs that flower. MGs are asked to bring soup but some bread or desert will also be needed for the Oct meeting. Recommendations for the Paul Hendricks award should be turned in.


Education: Mary Medina: The County Extension Foundation is announcing a fund drive. The foundation started 103 years ago. Envelopes are in the office or you can contribute online. See Oct newsletter.


Demo Gardens: Victoria Gally and Cindy Platzer: Cindy Platzer: has done the green been test to show the effects of herbicide on plants. Plants were on display. Demonstration gardens will start to close down next week.

Lesly Mitchell-Jackson announced ribbons won at the convention center garden show from plants she took from the Demo Gardens. They will be put on display.


Hort Line: Patti Kolek: There will be a luncheon for hort line volunteers on Oct 17. Patti needs a list of community garden projects supported by MGs.


Greenhouse: Amy Templer: No report.


Plant Sale: Marsha Brown and Donna Lindsey will be digging up and dividing perennials this fall for the plant sale. Before bringing more plants for potting, ask Donna if they are needed. Some plants will be for sale to members.


New Business: Kevin Minard: announced that David Wilson will step down as VP due to health concerns. Jan Carron will replace David Wilson as VP of the steering committee. Kevin will appoint a nominating committee for steering committee elections.


Tom Conley: The quiz for this meeting had a mix-up in the newsletter and will be used next meeting.


Del Moeller: Thanked all his helpers. He may convert some beds to non-invasive plants.


Good of the Order: Joe Walker surveyed those that use the MG facebook page and announced that it is being done by Mary Carey. Mary would like help. He also announced that the K-State link is a great resource.


Cindy Platzer announced that plastic webbing and chicken wire were outside for members to take.


Kevin Minard announced that leaf mulch will be trucked in and MGs could pick up a trash can full for their own use.


Garlic will be planted in Oct and the date will be in the newsletter.


Craig Morton will provide a tool sharpening class in November.


Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Respectively submitted, David Prince


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey​​

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