St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardener
Zoom Steering Committee About Zoom Meeting Minutes
Friday, 24 April 2020
Attendees: Kevin Minard, Jan Carron, Rebekah Davis, Justin Keay, Holly Records
Call to Order: Justin called the meeting to order at 2:32 PM
Members of the Steering Committee met via Zoom to further discuss plans of utilizing Zoom for meetings and presentations to the public.
Holly Records is an educator with the St Louis Master Gardeners. She is volunteering her Zoom Pro account for scheduling and facilitating Master Gardener Zoom meetings. Justin proposed partnering with the St Louis MGs to develop a speakers series, giving free weekly gardening presentations on Zoom. He also mentioned seeing if the St Charles County Library would be willing to promote the speakers series for us. Other means of distribution were mentioned and discussed.
Justin will be asking for anyone interested in serving on the Education Committee via email. Those who want to be on the committee will meet to discuss topics to present, if anyone has a presentation or would like to be a presenter, and if anyone wishes to teach but needs help with creating a presentation or using Zoom. Zoom co-host training will be scheduled and Justin will be reviewing all presentations to ensure they are in accordance with Missouri University standards.
The group agreed that an evening schedule would work better and it was decided to begin with Tuesdays at 6:00 PM the following week with Rebekah’s Beginner Birdscaping to start with. Other relevant gardening topics that could be presented were discussed and themes of food gardening and mental wellness were preferred. Specific examples: Birding, food gardening, pollinator gardening, gardening and mental health, using herbs, pest management (IPM), composting, gardening with kids, planting a row for food pantries, organic gardening.
Meeting was adjourned at 3:24 PM
Respectfully submitted, Rebekah Davis