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St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardeners
August 14, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting
St. Charles County Master Gardener Steering Committee meeting was called to order by President Mary Carey at 9 am
on August 14, 2015 at the Extension Office with all Steering Committee members present, and interim co-CPD Linda
Minutes from the July 10, 2015 Steering Committee meeting were approved as posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report – current bank balance is (contact treasurer for amount). Treasurer Joe Walker reviewed expenses from the past year,and plans were discussed to prepare for expenses in preparation for the 2016 plant sale, and other capital expenditures
(primarily greenhouse requirements).
Demo Garden: water station near pergola has been completed. We may need another load of wood chips to
supplement paths (in preparation for the October celebration). Lawn renovation will be done in September to the
area in front of the square foot garden.
Horticulture Specialist position interviews – two candidates have advanced to the interview level and interviews
will be held on August 28, 2015.
Steering Committee elections for 2016: nominating committee consisting of Marsha Brown, Cindy Platzer, Val
Mertz and Sharon Hedges has been appointed.
Fall Plant Sale – will be held on the weekend of the 100th Anniversary celebration. Volunteers, tour guides,
parking lot attendants, staging assistants, etc. are need on October 17, 2015.
August General Meeting. Speaker will be Leslie Limberg, subject is Soil Biota. Nominations for 2016 Steering
Committee election will be accepted.
Annual Report: Vice President Sharon Hedges will draft report to include activities, financial status and
membership information (number of volunteer hours, contributions made to food pantries, etc.) For 2015. This
will be a recurring report which will be presented to the general membership in January or February of the
following year.
Open Discussion
o Lawn Chair Classes: All speakers are lined up for the last lawn chair class Tuesday on 9/15.
o Eagle Scout Projects: table and benches for pergola will be finished by fall. Bluebird house will be finished
sometime before 2016. Event sign project is on hold.
o Cookbook Project was reviewed and discussed. The decision of the Steering Committee was to not pursue
the cookbook project, due to cost (both publication and end price) and focus (gardening vs. recipes/cooking).
o Direction Signs to the Extension Center: Mary Carey and Linda Rellergert have been negotiating with the City
of St. Peters to add seven additional signs directing travelers to the Extension Center. A total of 7 signs
(36”x24”) will be posted, paid for by the Extension Council. Verbiage for the signs has been sent to the City of
St Peters; the street department will post.
o Bird Count: discussion ensued. This project will be added to the August general meeting agenda.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:00 am.
Respectfully submitted:
Sandy Meyer, Secretary, Saint Charles County Master Gardeners
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