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August 2016 Membership Meeting


August 25, 2016


Call to Order

Meeting was called to order by President Sharon Hedges.

Secretary’s Report- Minutes from last meeting are available on line and copies available at meeting. Mary Carey motioned to approved minutes, seconded my Joe Walker. Minutes approve by all.

Treasurer’s Report- See Joe Walker for current balance We have money set aside for Greenhouse maintenance.  Laura Steimel motioned to approve as reported. It was seconded by Mary Carey. Approved by all.

Committee Reports

  • Meetings- Val Mertz –nothing new.

  • Membership- Waneta Parmenter –presented one badge. Has more to present. Stated if anyone needs a badge to contact her.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek advised the hortline was slowing down a little with summer coming to a close.

  • Education- Mary Medina- Master Gardener Level 1 Training Class starts September 6, 2016. Members are allowed to monitor classes for extra education hours. Mary will send out list. Need to make sure there is room. Check with office to hold a seat. Lawn chair Tuesday is all planned.

  • Demonstration Gardens- Mary Carey- Looking for volunteers for pantry garden. What to do with it. Rich is taking 4 beds. Looking for ideas on how to get people involved.  Contact Mary with any ideas.

  • Greenhouse- Evelyn Franks – nothing new to report.

New Business and Old Business

  • Rotary club requesting gardens for their 2017 fundraising tour was announced and flyer available at meeting.  We advised we are looking for nominees for steering committee. We will be wanting 2 people. Contact Sharon if interested. Also looking for nominees for the Paul Hendricks Award. Please contact any member of steering committee with nomination.

  • Our Vice President Al Winkeler needs garden leads and members help. He has to do a summary of what we as Master Gardeners have did/and or doing for the year 2016 to report to Extension Council. Also needing anything planned for 2017. Contact Al.  

Sharon Hedges adjourned meeting.

Note: 51 Members in attendance.

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