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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County

Steering Committee Meeting Minutes

January 17, 2014


Meeting was called to order at 9:40 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Russ Reed, Scott Kilpatrick, Mary Carey, Joe Walker and Kevin Minard. The members of the committee have unanimously agreed to the following changes.

                              Was                                Is

President           David Barylski           No Change

Vice President   Joe Walker                Russ Reed

Secretary           Russ Reed                Mary Carey

Treasurer           Mary Carey               Joe Walker 


Discussion was held on marketing options for Master Gardener activities. The following were suggested:

  • Facebook

  • Web page

  • U-tube video

  • Small road signs for events placed around intersections and shopping centers

  • Get members invited to talk to professional organizations to explain our activities

Joe Walker made a motion to form a Public Relations Task Force. Seconded by Russ Reed. Unanimously agreed.


Discussion was held concerning public classes in 2013. They were poorly attended or cancelled because of low enrollment. It was decided that no classes will be scheduled for 2014 at this time. The subject will be revisited in April and possibly combined with marketing.


Several new Leads are needed for Public Speakers, Meeting Speakers, and Marketing. Joe Walker suggested we look into an internet survey tool called Survey Monkey for input and feedback on our activities. More discussion to be held at February meeting.


Budget discussions: David Barylski presented a budget mainly based on what was spent last year.

(Contact the treasurer for this amount).


Kevin Minard presented the Demo Garden budget. The amount for the Demo Gardens is now $10, 285. Discussion was held as to whether we need to approve the Demo Garden budget separately from the other activities budget. Motion was made by Joe Walker to approve the entire $21,919 budget as a whole instead of every line item. Seconded by Kevin Minard. Motion passed unanimously.


Mention was made that members should not spend money on the gardens without submitting a request for reimbursement. This would give a true figure as to what the gardens actually cost.


Dave Barylski presented a handout that listed the fee structure for our MG members who speak at other events. Previously the fee was figured on the size of the group. New structure is $50 the first hour and $40 for each additional hour. Also 20 cents a mile will be added for engagements outside St Charles County.


Jan Brown, bookkeeper for the extension center, needs to know who the required signatures need to be on requests for reimbursements. Motion was made by Joe Walker thatPresident and Treasurer may approve any expenditures. Overall Garden Lead may approve Demo Garden expenses. Seconded by Mary Carey. Approved unanimously.


Motion was made by Kevin Minard to make a one time donation of $200 to the Joachim and Ann food pantry (previously suggested by Paul Hendricks). Seconded by Russ Reed. This is approximately the amount that was collected at the silent auction at the December general meeting. At that meeting members could trade donated paper products or pay cash for tickets to use to bid on auction items. The paper products were sent to the Joachim and Ann food pantry. Approved unanimously.


The Steering Committee will discuss similar donation in 2014 at the October Steering Committee meeting.


Scott Kilpatrick announced that the extension will be hosting a tour of the demo gardens for extension retirees on April 24.


Facilitators are needed for 2014 general meetings.


Long term plans for the garden will be discussed at the February Steering Committee meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m.


Respectfully submittedMary Carey


President                                Laura Steimel

Vice - President                     Jackie Johnson

Treasurer                                Rebecca Poon

Secretary                                Sandra Newsom 

Demonstration Garden      Cindy Platzer

Education                               Patti Kolek

Hortline                                  Patti Kolek

Plant Sale Coordinator       Donna Lindsey

Membership                          Kevin Lynch

Weekly Newsletter              Melanie Elick

                                                  Jeannie Ferguson

Web master                           Mary Carey

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