St Charles County Master Gardeners
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St Charles County Master Gardeners July 10, 2015 Steering Committee Meeting
St. Charles County Master Gardener Steering Committee meeting was called to order by President Mary Carey at 9 am on July 12, 2015 at the Extension Office with all Steering Committee members present, and interim co-CPD John Nickler.Dave Wilson, Pantry Garden Lead, joined later.
Minutes from the June 12, 2015 Steering Committee meeting were approved as posted on the website.
Treasurer’s Report – current bank balance is $13,147. Monthly expenses (June) were $1,268.68 more than income for the month; largest expense was amendment bins, wood chip charge ($470.00). The $600 annual payment to the Extension Office for administrative assistance is approved for continuance.
Budget projections: Mary Medina will provide information regarding maintenance expenses to include feedback from Demo Garden Leads – especially Pantry Garden Lead (raised bed renovation to include soil and timber replacement), and others with longstanding maintenance needs (such as drainage issues) and present an approximate dollar amount to the Treasurer for inclusion into budget projections for 2016.
Budget projections for 2016 (to include estimates for 2016 plant sale) are due to Treasurer Joe Walker, for his preparation and submission of a preliminary, projected budget for 2016 at the September 10, 2015 Steering Committee meeting. o
Greenhouse is currently under budget, but Greenhouse Ops Mgr (E. Franks) is researching cost of replacement of two vents. Fuel supply is still sufficient, but we will need to refill at the warm weather rates.
Demo Garden: $3,806 spent so far in 2015 on demo gardens ( $6,145 budgeted). Other demo garden items included water project near pergola to be finished soon.
Plant sale planning meeting will be held in September (Mary Medina). Prior to September Mary Medina will develop expense requirements for the 2016 plant sale so Steering Committee Treasurer can include in the 2016 projected budget. o
Equipment: there are three items in the “shed” which are not currently being utitilized which Mary Carey will explore. Items include: 1) Chipper/shredder (not working for intended purpose), 2) Blower (too noisy and heavy?), and 3) pond kit.
Eagle Scout project – Mary Medina still working this.
County Program Director – horticulture position has just recently been posted.
100th anniversary – parking will be at Election Authority; busses to transport attendees.
July General Meeting . Pesident Mary Carey will be absent; VP Sharon Hedges will preside. Speaker will be Bob Lee, Missourians for Monarchs.
Open Discussion….
Calendar. o Fall plant sale will be held 8/8/15. o
Plant sale pre-plannning meeting in September (M. Medina). o
Rescheduled Steering Committee meeting to 9/10 from 9/11 because of State Master Gardener Conference calendar conflict. o Lawn Chair Classes: All speakers are lined up for the last lawn chair class Tuesday on 9/15. o
Ideas : M. Medina suggested exploring “YouTube” videos for garden demonstrations for the public.
Microsoft Word class on 8/4, MS Excel on 8/5, and MS PPT 8/6 from 8 am to 1 pm will be held at the Extension Center .
Meeting was adjourned at 10:30 am.
Respectfully submitted: Sandy Meyer, Secretary, Saint Charles County Master Gardeners