St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
General Meeting Minutes
October 23, 2014
Scott Killpack gave his Horticulture Q & A featuring Healthy Turf.
Thanks to meeting host Mary Carey.
Scott Killpack –
Class completion certificates were presented to new Master Gardeners Carol Deveney.
Scott asked that members contact their County Council members http://www.sccmo.org/1352/Council-Members to tell them how much we appreciate the extension. When creating the 2015 budgets, it may help us if the Council realizes the importance of the extension and the Master Gardeners.
Elections for the St Charles County Council will be held in January 2015. One of our own Master Gardeners, Mary Carey, is running for a seat. Expect more information on when and how you can vote for her.
Del Moellner gave a presentation on Cover Crops- Advantages and the Kind of Crops to Use.
Meeting was called to order at by Vice-President Russ Reed. 46 people were in attendance.
Joe Walker, treasurer, gave the treasurer’s report. Joe is working with the Mary Medina (Plant Sale lead) and garden leads to assure that we have enough in the treasurer to cover the expected costs through the Dig In in February and the Plant Sale in April.
There will be no November meeting because of the Thanksgiving holiday.
Elections were held for the 2015 Steering Committee. Sharon Hedges and Sandy Meyer were elected by acclimation.
Mary Medina reported that Marsha Brown will take the Annual Beds. They have a new footprint. Pam Yankey will lead and change the footprint of the Fairy Garden in the shape of a butterfly. Yvonne Van der Ahe will assume lead for the Lasagna Garden. Virginia Beckley will take over the entrance (sign) garden.
Most of the unused allotted budgets for the individual gardens were relinquished so that there will be enough money in the treasury for the plant sale efforts.
Mary also announced Dave Barylski as the new Maintenance Lead. This is a new category in the demo Gardens. Any leads that have a maintenance issue should contact Dave to have the issue scheduled and include the cost in their 2015 budget.
Propagation Bed:
The plants have been dug to make way for the Hoop House. Construction is well underway and hope to be completed by November 12.
Terri Scherer reported on Missouri Day which was celebrated at the Historic Garden on Main Street in St Charles. Master Gardeners had a table demonstrated the Iroquois method of planting called The Three Sisters. She could not give a number but there were a LOT of students and parents there.
Val Mertz Nominations for the Paul Hendricks award was closed at the end of the October meeting.. The award focuses on leadership, service and education.
Dig In 2015 – Mary Carey will be the lead. She will be asking for help in the near future.
Patti Koleck thanked the members who staffed the Hort Line this year. She is looking for volunteers for next year and someone to create the monthly quizzes.
Dave Wilson rescheduled his class of Garden Tool Maintenance to November 8 @9:30 a.m.
Mary Medina reported that a committee has been formed to coordinate the 100th year celebration of the St Charles County Extension.
Meeting adjourned at 8:00.
Submitted by Mary Carey