St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Plant Sales
Master Gardeners love plants from seed to compost!
Sharing our knowledge and favorite plants is what we do best!
The birth of plant sales began in early years as the need for dollars to develop site gardens began. Today, plant sales are a major activity for Master Gardeners. Vegetables, herbs, annuals, perennials and Missouri natives have been identified as most popular for customers. Best varieties for our area have been identified and researched for start dates and care instructions.
Soils, pots, seeds, plugs, lights, heat mats, temperature gauges, watering instructions and fertilizer, etc., are assembled beginning in January to start up the new season. Groups of MG’s read the directions for specific seed needs, count out the number of plants needed and create flats of six packs needed for our sale. As seeds sprout, teams of MG’s care for seedlings at the greenhouse, outside native areas or in MG home settings. Careful monitoring of ambient temperatures, water composition, fertilizer use, etc. produce thousands of offering for our neighbors.
In the meantime, Native plant seeds have been sown in the designated area by the hoop house to enjoy the needed Missouri weather changes to sprout. Mature popular native plants have been divided and repotted for the spring sale.
At our Sale: Besides helping community members choose the best plant for their needs, a handy care guide is enclosed with each order and the phone number and email of the MG hortline.