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Steering Committee Minutes

                                                                         Date:  July 14, 2017


Call to order

  • Al Winkeler called to order the regular meeting of the Master Gardeners Steering Committee at 9:04AM on July 14, 2017.



  • In attendance: Al Winkeler, Joe Walker, Craig Morton, Mary Carey, Laura Steimel, Rich Hoorman, MU Extension Specialist. 


Secretary’s Report

  • All members having read the minutes of the June 9, 2017 meeting, it was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker that the minutes be approved as submitted.  Vote was unanimous in favor to approve. 

Treasury Report 

  • Current bank account balance (see treasurer for amount).  It was moved by Mary Carey and seconded by Laura Steimel that the Treasurer's Report be accepted as presented.  Vote was unanimous in favor to approve.                                                          

MU Extension Specialist- Rich Hoorman

  • Rich Hoorman advised that he was going to have mowing done again on the entrance of extension and that the Extension Council will be paying $100 for these services.

  • Mr. Hoorman supplied a few ideas for what can done with pergola. He suggest maybe a walking path around property in 2 or 3 locations. It was discussed to have information on sign in pergola advising about the garden. Another ideal was to set up in one area has an outside classroom or wedding venue.  We will be discussing possibilities at next MG meeting and the Leads meeting on August 12, 2017. Craig Morton will be collecting ideas.

  • Mr. Hoorman stated that they were looking for possible Class of 2018 project. Someone suggested that they redo areas between building and green house and possible retaining wall. Will address at next MG meeting for ideas. Would need to add to 2018 Garden Budget.  Other ideas are to make a Herbarium with plants and weeds. Have them make plant markers, and or spring planting in Pantry Garden.  Any ideas contact Rich or member of Steering Committee.

  • Rich is looking for some way to mark the Hortline area in office as a Master Gardener Area.  Any ideas contact Rich.

Committee Reports

  • Speakers – Val Mertz. No report. Speakers are set for remainder of year.

  • Hortline- Patti Kolek.  We are busy. Thanks for the volunteers. The total contacts to date for this year already equal the total for last year.  

  • Membership-Waneta Parmenter.  Nothing new at this time. We will have 7 new members receiving badges at next MG Meeting.

  • Education- Mary Medina. Looking for speaker for February Dig In.

  • Demonstrations Gardens- Mary Carey.  Nothing new at this time. Pushing leads to get there receipts for purchases as soon as possible.

  • Greenhouse –Amy Templer/ Cindy Platzer. Rich is advising we can run another electrical line in greenhouse to prevent any problems in spring and not running electrical cords overhead. Also planned in future is to change plastic on greenhouse. More to come on this.

Old Business

  • Our next meeting will be held at Heritage Park in St. Charles. Bring your own food. Directions:  Heritage Museum is located at Heritage Landing and Hwy 94. Map can be located on St. Charles County Parks web site. Address is 1630 Heritage Landing, St. Peters, MO 63303.           

  • 2018 MG Class will need someone to be in charge and we will also need to get signups for facilitator. Class will be held in Room C, 01/31/2018 through05/09/2017.

  • It was motioned by Mary Carey and seconded by Laura Steimel that we offer a scholarship to be paid in full by Master Gardeners for the 2018 MG Class. Vote was 3-1 in favor.  Master Gardeners can nominate someone interested in taking class with note as to why this person should receive scholarship. You must supply nomination to any steering committee member by November 15, 2017. Steering Committee will select recipient.

  • It was noted that people outside extension renting Room C for entire day do not appreciate Master Gardeners going through their event to use bathrooms or Kitchen. They paid for room.  It was decided that when rented out to put sign and advise Master Gardeners to use other entrance. If both rooms are rented out we would have to go to Gas Station.



New Business

  • Nothing new on parking extension at this time.

  • New Green House leads are Amy Templer and Cindy Platzer.

  • Garden Leads will vote for overall lead at next meeting. So far Victoria Gally and Laura Steimel have agreed to be co-leads. Will be addressed at leads meeting August 12, 2017.

  • Plant Sale 2018. Nothing new to report at this time.

  • St. Charles Community College requesting assistance to help weed there Greenway Trails. Our group does not do this. Suggest Naturalist group.

  • Al Winkeler noted he looked at people in attendance at monthly meetings. Looking for suggestions to get more members involved.

  • Kevin Minard’s son is donating a lawn sweeper to be attached to the back of the zero turn lawnmower to collect grass clippings for compost use.

  • Therapeutic Horsemanship are have a garden issue in Wentzville. They have plants in circular drive way not doing so well. Requesting someone look at and advice. Will get location for someone to go.

  • PA system was fixed the day after our last meeting. Thanks Rich.


  • Both our President Al Winkeler and Vice President Craig Morton will be absent at next meeting. Joe Walker will MC and Laura Steimel with take notes. .


A motion was made by Mary Carey and seconded by Joe Walker

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