St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardeners of Saint Charles County
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes
July 11, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 9:35 a.m. by President Dave Barylski. Present were Dave Barylski, Scott Killpack, Mary Carey, Joe Walker.
Joe Walker made a motion to approve April Steering Committee minutes. Seconded by Mary Carey. Approved unanimously.
Mary Carey gave a web page update. Our Policy and Procedures were copied to our website from the extension website. Dates of approvals and revisions will be added to each Procedure. In a discussion of approval of changes to the procedures resulted in the decision that all changes be approved by the steering committee before being placed on the website.
Dave Barylski will prepare a procedure for changing any of the Policy and Procedures and then submit it to the steering committee for approval. The extension will remove our Policy and Procedures from their website after the Change document is approved.
The by-laws will always also be maintained on the extension server (Q drive).
A survey to elicit subjects and instructors for the October Potpourri General membership meeting did not have many responses. Val Mertz will be asked to find a speaker from the Pure Natives Company.
The July meeting will be on Compost given by Paul Hendricks and Del Moeller.
Joe Walker gave the financial report. He supplied the committee with a breakdown of the money made in plant sales since 2007. Also of the greenhouse expenses. The greenhouse expenses have averaged (Contac t the treasurer for this amount).a year. This is close to the (Contact the treasurer for this amount) that Evelyn has used in her financial projections.
Charlotte Mielziner gave a presentation as to what she plans to do as the new Marketing lead.
She requested that the Facebook link be added to our website.
A blog be created on the website
We need a twitter account
We need a tagline (a memorable phrase) that sums up our organization
Charlotte distributed a copy of the University of California Introduction to Marketing Toolkit.
Charlotte will speak at the July Membership meeting when she will ask for volunteers to join the Marketing committee.
ID cards will be printed by the Extension center and distributed at the January 2015 General Membership meeting.
Scott Killpack requested that we create jobs that can be done by MGs with physical limitations.
They could possible help with Marketing, plant signs. We need to review the by-laws requirement that MGs spend 20 hours in the demo gardens the first year. Joe Walker will draft a document that will authorize Scott Killpack to waive this requirement on a case by case basis.
Scott Killpack notified the committee that the Master Gardener presently on the Extension Councils term will be up. He suggested that an MG run for this opening. He will ask for candidates at the July meeting.
Joe Walker made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Mary Carey. Approved unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 12:05.
Respectfully submitted by Mary Carey.