St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Master Gardener
Steering Committee Meeting Agenda
Extension Center Room B
March 13, 2015
Master Gardener Steering Committee was called to order at 9 am by President Mary Carey.
Minutes from the February MG Steering Committee were approved with no changes or additions.
Treasurer Joe Walker presented the current financial report, showing a current balance of $5841.96 as of 2/28/15; balance at the end of the previous month (January) was $5835.98. Income and expenditure comparisons were highlighted, and Greenhouse Capital Improvement/Replacement budget items were again discussed. We will have a budget finalized by the May meeting (after the plant sale).
Preliminary demo garden budget is $6,000, but will be evaluated again, and monitored on an ongoing basis. The ad hoc committee designated to review bylaws that apply to budget and budget timing will continue work and report in July.
Dig-In: positive overall feedback, bringing ~$1100 in revenue with ~55 people in attendance.
Plant Sale, Flyer, Leads Meeting: Product is in greenhouse and looks good. Propagation class was held last week; propagation chamber is progressing nicely. Greenhouse needs a little work prior to plant sale to reorganize, and make room for the customer. Mary Carey is maintaining the hoop house, perennials in one gallon pots, natives, etc to coax them to be ready for the plant sale. Grasses came out of hoop house and put in cold frames to warm. Flyers will be circulated again Scott Killpack has been tracking temps in hoop house and greenhouse.
Leads Meeting: D. Barylski has resigned as Maintenance Lead. Mary Medina and Mary Carey did a garden tour with Dave’s current list of suggestions, and re-evaluated needs and requirements. All other garden lead positions are filled for now. Garden Orientation for Level One Trainees will be scheduled soon. Start dates in the pantry garden will be announced, but we will probably have some things planted by the next Steering Committee meeting. Demo Garden Leads meeting is March 14, 9:30 am. Cool Season plant sale begins at 9 am on same day, but this will be handled by other Master Gardeners.
Scott Killpack Retirement: invitation will be resent; some people did not receive first mailing. A reception, open house setting with punch, coffee, cookies will be hosted by Extension personnel and Master Gardener organization from 5-8 pm on March 26 in place of the regular meeting.
Open discussion: From Mary Medina – Master Naturalists, Confluence Chapter is interested in setting up Monarch Watch sites throughout St. Charles County. Bob Lee will discuss during the April meeting. Val Mertz will be asked to retain a speaker for the April meeting as well. Mary Medina will put actions in motion to get T-shirt orders within the next two weeks.
Meeting was adjourned at 10:25 am.
Respectfully submitted by Sandy Meyer, MG Steering Committee Sec’y