St Charles County Master Gardeners
Click on address for map.
Marketing and Communication
News Release
Provide name, date, time, description, and location of your activity or event in an email to Carol Grote and she will send out a News Release.
How to contact Steering Committee/Project Leads/Ext Staff
Each spring, trainees are added and updates made to the member contact list which is maintained and emailed by Carol Grote to the membership. Members who do not have email should request a printed copy and advise the steering committee who will request a member volunteer to provide program information. Contact information for the Steering Committee, Project Leads and Extension Staff can also be found on the web site.
Gateway Gardener Magazine
Notify Carol Grote 60 days prior to the issue month you want your information to appear.
Advertising Online
Members can form a subcommittee within their project to advertise online. See the Advertising Online List for procedures.
Marketing and Outside Advertising Procedures
Currently under development by the steering committee
Adopted February, 2010