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St Charles County Master Gardener


Steering Committee Meeting Minutes


Friday, 31 July 2020


Attendees:  Kevin Minard, Jan Carron, Rebekah Davis, Joe Walker, Cindy Platzer



Call to Order:   Kevin Minard called the meeting to order at 9:02 AM



Secretary’s Report:   Rebekah Davis-  Steering Committee Meeting Minutes for 17 July were approved as written.



Treasurer’s Report:   Joe Walker-  No change from last Steering Committee meeting.  Joe suggested to start compiling a list of projects that will require budgeting at the end of the year now.



MU Horticulturalist Specialist:  Justin Keay-  No report



MU County Engagement Specialist:  Alex Reichert-  No report



Committee Reports-


Membership:  Waneta Parmenter, Bonnie Winkeler-  The Steering Committee aproved to award Evelyn Franks Emeritus status.



Demo Gardens:  Cindy Platzer-  Cindy reported on a recent “Leads Garden Stroll” in the Demo Gardens.  Changes in the Native Gardens were discussed: Cindy reports there is some interest in potentially partnering with the Master Naturalists to help tend the Rain, Pollinator, and Meadow Garden beds.  A temporary canopy structure will be erected near the Pantry Garden to provide some shade for Master Gardeners to use.  Laura Stiemel has been offering her laminating machine to help MGs with creating signage.  Cindy will assemble a list of priority projects/ideas in the Demo Gardens for the Steering Committee to review at the September SC meeting.



Greenhouse:  Laura Stiemel, Nancy Torke- Construction on the plant sick bay is completed.



Plant Sale:  Marsha Brown, Laura Stiemel-  2020 Season is done



Speakers:  Val Mertz-  The August monthly meeting will be moved forward to start at 5:45 PM.



Hort Line:  Patti Kolek-  Hort Line is still working on a Call-In basis.



Education:  Jan Carron reported that the Education Committee is scheduling speakers for the 2021 Dig-in “Grow it, eat it”.  The Dig-in is scheduled to occur 27-February 2021, 9:00-1:30 PM on Zoom.



New Business:  Kevin Minard-  The Steering Committee agreed that in-person celebrations for MG Trainees will be postponed until St Charles Extension opens again for meetings.  Graduated Trainees will still be awarded certificates and hats individually.  Plans will be discussed later of possibly scheduling a virtual graduation ceremony.


Evelyn Franks has requested Emeritus status, the Steering Committee reviewed and confirmed that she has met the requirements.  Emeritus status was approved.



Old Business:  The Steering Committee is still having Open discussions on communication/ social media needs, per February meeting.  Education Committee will also discuss this topic further at next meeting.


MGSC President will be sending approved meeting minutes for publication to our web site <> and to our newsletter, on all meetings from the previous month, at one time.



Good of the Order:  Steering Committee will continue to follow updated COVID-19 guidelines provided by the Extension Council.  Next SC meeting is scheduled 14 August.



Meeting was adjourned at 10:15 AM



Respectfully submitted,

                                   Rebekah Davis




AS APPROVED   14-August-2020

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