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Daylily Characteristics Chart

St. Charles County Master Gardener Demonstration Gardens

Abbreviation Key:

Scape Height & Bloom Diameter: Indicated in inches

Bloom Period: EE=Very Early, E=Early, EM=Early mid, M=Mid, ML=Mid late, L=Late, VL=Very

Late Bloom Description: RE=Repeat Scapes, FR=Fragrant, VFR=Very fragrant, EXT=Extended bloom (open more than 16 hours), NOC=Nocturnal (blooms open at dawn despite weather conditions)

Ploidy: TET=Tetraploid

Bloom Form: D=Double, S=spider, SV=Spider Variant, UNF=Unusual Form


Cultivar Name Description  Right Side

1 Mary Todd SEV, 26", 6", EM, TET Waxy buff yellow, ruffled, crisp and very showy; extremely heavy texture


2 Ra Hansen SEV, 28", 4.75", EM, RE Ruffled, dark orchid-lavender with blue powder shading and a green throat


3 Summer Wine DOR, 24", 5.5", M,


4 Morman


5 Siloam June Bug DOR, 20", 2.75", EM Yellow with dark burgundy eyezone and green throat. Heavy flowering


6 Forsyth Hot Lips DOR, 23", 4.5", EM, RE, FR, EXT A wide petaled peach-pink with red band surrounding a green throat


7 New Age DOR, 20", 5", M, RE, EXT, NOC, TET Lovely cream with a reddish purple eye and tiny gold edge


8 Brenda Jane DOR, 28", 6.5", ML, FR, TET Large yellow self with deep green throat; has clean, clear primrose coloring. Petals are deeply ruffled with crimping on edges

9 Bold Tiger DOR, 28", 4.25", M, FR, TET Bright orange self with a bold red eye and a yellow-green throat. Tepals are dramatically recurved with nicely ruffled edges. Well branched and heavily budded


10 Moonlit Masquerade SEV, 26", 5.5", EM, RE, TET An ivory-cream self with a dark purple eye and picotee. Really heavy October rebloom 


11 Matt DOR, 20", 5.5", M, TET Ruffled yellow with bronze overlay, yellow midribs and apple green throat


12 Pojo SEV, 19", 3", E, RE, D Dark yellow peony type DOUBLE. Good increaser, attractive and reblooms late


13 Divertissement DOR, 45", 6.5", ML, S Light yellow with a pale red halo and small green throat. This spider is a vigorous grower.


14 Newberry News DOR, 27", 9", EM, TET Huge greenish yellow self with a green throat


15 Fooled Me DOR, 24", 5.5", EM, EXT, TET A golden yellow bloom edged deep burgundy with a deep burgundy-red eye


16 Broadway Gal DOR, 26", 3.25", M, RE, TET Diamond dusted cream pink with bright gold edging and clear red eye above a bright green throat. Round, small bloom with piecrust ruffling.


17 Bryan Paul EV, 24", 6.5", EM, RE, TET Deep ruby-red with white edges and green throat. Round, ruffled, full flat form.


18 Spread Gold DOR, 36", 7", M, FR, NOC, TET Chrome yellow self with green throat. Huge, attractive and vigorous


19 Sligo DOR, 26", 5.5", M, RE, EXT, TET Outstanding dark rose red with a green throat


20 Exotic Candy DOR, 26", 4.25". M, RE, FR, TET Light pink with a bold dark rose-red eye and slight gold edge


21 Wineberry Candy DOR, 22", 4.75", EM, RE, FR, EXT, TET, Orchid with purple eyezone and green throat. Nice rebloom in September


22 Paper Butterfly SEV, 24", 6", E, RE, TET Creamy orchid-peach with a broad, shaded blue eyezone and pastel yellow throat. Strong rebloomer


23 Country Melody DOR, 30", 5.5", M, FR, TET True pink self with a small green throat. Delightfully accented by a soft yellow halo, pale pink midribs & ruffled petals edged in lemon yellow


24 Stop Sign SEV, 29", 5.5", ML, TET One of the purest dark reds; ruffled, round and wide petaled


25 Marse Connell EV, 38", 6.75", M, SV Bright red classic star SPIDER VARIANT; large gold throat


26 Carnival Flair DOR, 38", 6", ML, RE Late blooming, clear bright rosy red with a velvety finish. Broad overlapping petals are pinched.


27 Martian Love SEV, 26", 5.5", EM, FR, TET Cherry-cream with hot rose-pink eye and gold & cherry picotee   


28 Desperado Kid SEV, 24", 4.5", M, RE, TET Creamy mauve with large rose-red eye, small double rose-red eye & gold wire picotee


29 Charles Johnston SEV, 24", 6", EM, RE, FR, TET Cherry red self with a deep green throat. Very eye appealing red


30 Ciao SEV, 16", 4", E, RE, FR Red with chartreuse halo and olive throat.


31 Aztec Furnace DOR, 27", 5", EM, TET Ruffled, bright orange-red with a deep red eye


32 Frank Gladney EV, 26", 6.5", EM, RE, FR, TET Hot coral-pink; vivid imposing color.


33 Pastel Classic SEV, 23", 6", M, RE Lightly ruffled pastel pink and buff blend with a yellow-green throat


34 Juanita's Picotee Delight DOR, 26", 6", EM, RE Light maroon & cream with maroon eye & ruffled picotee edge


35 Prairie Fire SEV, 26", 5.5", M, RE, TET Yellow cream with a very ruffled amber picotee, gold edge and coral red halo


36 Kent's Favorite Two EV, 26", 5.25", EE, RE, TET Full, wide, overlapping, ruffled, bright red self with a yellow green throat


37 Eye of Round SEV, 27", 6", M, RE, FR, EXT, TET Medium creamy lavender with dark plum eye & picotee. Heavy bloomer


38 Exotic Echo DOR, 16", 3", M, RE Pink-cream blend; double washed burgundy to charcoal eye


39 Leonard Bernstein EV, 26", 5.5", EM, RE, EXT, TET Bright, clear red self with a bright green throat. Circular blooms are consistently flawless.


40 Wedding Band SEV, 26", 5.5", M, FR, TET, Beautiful ruffled cream-white edged yellow with a tiny green throat


41 Contented Heart DOR, 23", 5", ML, RE, EXT, TET Ruffled red and coral blend with a splashed red eye.


42 Little Joe Blue EV, 20", 3.5", M, RE, FR Light lavender with a lavender blue band. Nice recurved bloom.


43 Hazel DOR, 26", 6", M, RE, FR, TET Bright yellow with dark purple eyezone and deep green throat.


44 Topaz Gem SEV, 26", 6", M, RE, EXT, NOC, TET, Cream to beige with a slate blue to lavender eyezone 46 Janice Brown SEV, 21", 4.5", EM, RE Ruffled, round, ivory-pink with large rose-pink eyezone and green throat. Nice September rebloom here.


45 Aquamarine DOR, 28", 7", EM, FR, NOC A very colorful, light lavender-blue bitone with a green throat


46 Tigerling DOR, 25", 3.75", M, RE, FR, TET, Ruffled, round, brilliant light orange with a large, bright red eye and yellow green throat


47 Caviar DOR, 26", 5", M, EXT, TET Maroon-black self with a yellow throat. Sultry and appealing.


48 Grace and Grandeur SEV, 22", 6", EM, RE, TET Ivory-cream yellow blend with a green throat. Wide petals with heavy ruffles.


49 Cherokee Pass DOR, 26", 5.5", ML, RE, TET Reblooming gold with red eyezone & red petal edges


50 Don Stevens DOR, 32", 5.75", M, EXT, TET Lemon yellow with dark burgundy red eyezone and yellow-green throat. Wonderful performer. Big vigorous plant.


51 Sweet Sugar Candy DOR, 24", 4", ML, EXT, TET, Rounded and recurved, ruffled clear pink with large red eye and green throat. Excellent branching and bud placement


52 Spanish Glow SEV, 26", 5", ML, RE, TET A bright blend of warm apricot, peach and pink. Bloom is round, full, overlapped and lightly ruffled. Strong late rebloom


Cultivar Name Description Left Side

1 Newberry Prayer Power EV, 16", 5.5", EM, RE, FR, Ruffled gold self with green throat


2 Vintage Bordeaux EV, 27", 5.5", E, RE, TET,The very sunfast blooms are a rich black cherry-red, often edged yellow with a chartreuse throat. This vigorous plant is quite hardy


3 Bela Lugosi SEV, 33", 6", M, TET, Widely regarded as one of the best purple daylilies on the market. Outstanding saturated true purple blooms with a lime green throat. Strong grower that is well branched & heavily budded.


4 Siloam Bo Peep DOR, 15", 2.5", EM, Pale pink with deep rose halo and green throat.


5 Candy Floss DOR, 36", 6", M, RE, TET A large hot pink with reddish halo. Ruffled and picoteed


6 Eyes of Fury DOR, 28", 7", M, RE, TET Giant 7" blossoms are apricot with a prominent purple eye. Broad, ruffled petals open flat to reveal the triangular form.


8 Sparkling Orange DOR, 34", 6", EM, FR, NOC, EXT, TET Brilliant orange self that really stands out. Triangular, open, neatly ruffled bloom


9 Mariska DOR, 28", 6.5", M, RE, TET Highly acclaimed pink-orchid of great clarity. Large and flaring bloom

10 Penny Arcade DOR, 26", 5", M, TET Distinctive orange apricot blend with a light purple eye and flaming orange throat


11 Zena DOR, 36", 5.5", ML, Lightly ruffled, late blooming bright pink with a lighter midrib and chartreuse throat


12 Star Spangled EV, 24", 8", E, FR, S, A lightly ruffled, grayish rose-pink blend SPIDER


13 Lady Violet Eyes SEV, 16", 3.5", ML Rose with lavender-blue and purple eyezone; yellow-green throat


14 Golden Compass EV, 26", 6", EM, RE, TET Bright yellow with a bold purple eye bovering most of the petals


15 Sheepscot Valley Butterfly DOR, 30", 4", M, TET Tall dusty pink blend with a yellow-green throat


16 Satinique DOR, 27", 5", EM, FR Ruffled and slightly creped deep burgundy, blue violet veining and shading, slight magenta eye and gold throat


17 Chorus Line Kid DOR, 26", 3.5", EM, RE, FR, TET 18 Maho Mite SEV, 24", 3", EM, RE, FR, EXT, D, A small flower DOUBLE that is a beautiful light rose pink with a dark rose eye. 4 to 5 way branching with 30 to 35 buds. Heavy heavy bloomer


18 Bold One SEV, 40", 7", M Gold with a huge bold purple halo


19 Cool Jazz EV, 30", 5.5", E, RE, TET Clear shell pink with green throat. Full, overlapping form. Hardy and vigorous


20 Space Wars DOR, 28", 6.5", M, RE, FR, TET Peach cream edged red with red eye and chartreuse throat


21 Cimarron Knight SEV, 22", 6", M, TET Dark rosy orange with black plum eyezone and green throat


23 Wondrous SEV, 22", 4.5", EM, RE, FR, TET, Ivory cream with a pale lavender-pink blush and a chartreuse throat


24 Shogun DOR, 26", 6.5", M, TET Triangular shaped dark red self


25 Milk Chocolate DOR, 26", 5", ML Chocolate lovers can't resist this piece of milk chocolate with a delicious dark fudge halo. Has a small yellow throat with a fine yellow midrib; narrow segments.


26 Fair Rose EV, 26", 5.5", E, RE, FR Cream and rose-pink bitone. A beautiful color. September into October rebloom


27 Woodside Ruby SEV, 34", 4.5", M, Brilliant ruby self with a sharply contrasting lemon lime throat. Broad, nearly round petals have perfect pie-crust edges. High bud count


28 Heady Wine SEV, 22", 5.5", M, TET A cream-peach with a burgundy wine eye and tiny wine edge. Small green throat


29 Strutters Ball DOR, 28", 6", M, RE, TET Black-purple with very small, silvery white watermark and silky halo. Considered one of the best deep purple daylilies available. Intense color and bud count


30 Pumpkin Festival DOR, 20", 5.5", EM, VFR, TET A large flowered, fragrant, peachy orange bloom with a striking wine-purple eye and matching piecrust picotee edge. Broad, rounded diamond dusted petals surround a gold throat.


31 Bubbly SEV, 20", 3", M, RE, D Apricot miniature DOUBLE.


32 Decatur Purple DOR, 23", 5.5", ML, FR, TET


33 Cinnamon Glow DOR, 24", 5", EM, TET Glowing cinnamon-peach or apricot-orange sherbet with a nicely ruffled gold edge


34 Hot Springs Belle DOR, 28", 6.5", EM, EXT


35 Siloam Amazing Grace DOR, 24", 5.5", EM, FR, EXT A ruffled yellow with a strong green throat


36 Atlanta Elegant Charm DOR, 26", 5.75", M, TET Light yellow edged gold with green throat. Big strong plant


37 Tomorrow's Dream SEV, 28", 4.75", ML, RE, TET, Late blooming, medium lavender with a faint pink influence and a wire gold edge


38 Chance Encounter DOR, 25", 6", EM, RE, FR, EXT, TET


39 Nile Plum EV, 20", 5", EM, TET Silvery mauve plum with a chalky plum claret eye.


40 Prize Picotee Elite DOR, 25", 5", E, TET Cream flesh petals complemented by neatly crimped picotee edging of purple with a purple eyezone. Flesh colored sepals and a green throat


41 King George SEV, 30", 7", M, TET This very large daylily has huge, clear yellow flowers with a deep wine red eye and green throat. Broad, piecrust edged petals forms a large triangular bloom


42 August Frost DOR, 34", 6", L, TET Late blooming near white to very pale yellow with the narrowest gold wire edge


43 Spell Fire SEV, 20", 3.5", ML, RE, FR, EXT Cream-yellow with a bleeding, bright red eye


44 Flames of Fortune DOR, 30", 5.5", EM, RE, NOC, TET In the AM a very deep cantaloupe, after a hot sun in the PM its like whipped cream with a pink coloring; deep tangerine heart. Ruffled, creped texture


45 Pardon Me DOR, 18". 2.75", ML, RE, FR, NOC A triangular, tailored, bright burgundy red mini; vigorous grower and bloomer. One of the best reblooming reds.


46 Round Midnight EV, 30", 6", EM, RE, TET Large, sunfast dark purple flowers with diamond dusted petals

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