St Charles County Master Gardeners
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Demonstration Garden
Fairy Garden
Fairy Garden (Miniature Garden) - This bed is whimsy - where your imagination can take you. Children can see this and become interested in gardening.
This miniature garden is in the shape of a butterfly and has 3 sections.
The wings on both sides holds annuals while the body of the butterfly holds very short low growing ground covering plants making it easier to see the miniature objects such as houses, chairs and benches.
Most all of these plants are perennials and include stonecrops, thyme and other ground covers, blue eyed grass, short coreopsis and pussytoes.
The flowers chosen in the wings are shorter to taller annuals that draw hummingbirds, bees and butterflies while able to tolerate dry conditions and hot sun.
Some that do really well are salvia, short zinnias, angelonia, gomphrena, lantana, cleomes and vincas.